Are you a new poster to the forum? Confused by some of the terms used by established board members? Check out this handy forum which explains a bunch of the board's nuances and inside jokes so we don't have to explain them again. :)
Want to talk about the show? Do it here. You'll be able to feel your IQ drop. Also, if you look at all these forums and are confused where to post something, just post it here.
I'll be honest, I've stolen this idea from and other boards with the same type of forum. You can take specific images and have some PhotoShop fun. A level of good taste is all that is asked.
Want to talk about Video Games? Like new Tech Gadgets? Remember the good ol' days of board games? Want to get together an play an online game with someone? Discuss and do all of those things here.
Badmouth everyone here, especially Dave Hughes. It's good for the soul. UPDATE: If something in the sports world REALLY irritates you (i.e. ESPN), post it here.
Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon yell a lot on their hit ESPN show Pardon the Interruption. Here you can talk about how much they yell and complain about the volume.
Missed one of TK's columns or columnettes? Come here to track it down. Structure is important in this forum. Title of column and Date go in the Subject header, then the entire article goes in the body of the message. People can then make editorial comments after the article is posted.