Welcome to the biggest waste of time on the Internet! Below you will find a snack that you must rate. It is either
Wack (a poor snack) or Rack (a great snack). You can vote as many times as you want, but ballot
stuffing is not allowed! Every time you vote, a new random snack will show up.
NOTICE: There has been a rash of ballot stuffing in the past couple of days. Votes
that are considered ballot stuffed will be removed and users will be barred from voting. Remember,
this is a fair vote, and downgrading snacks for the purpose of getting your snack in the number one
position is unfair to the other snacks out there. This policy is necessary to give the Snackdown! Tourney
more value than necessary.
Trail Mix |
Description: Mixed Salty Nuts with M&Ms.
- Purports to be health food when actually not